With the race on Aston Hill on Sunday 7th September we are running a Downhill Race Skills Course next Sunday 31st August from 9am – 12pm, covering the secrets to improving your race time and a chance to hone your skills on the tracks being used for the race!
The three hour course is a great way to get your skills up to speed for the Aston Hill Mash Up race. With a maximum of 6 people on the three hour course, this is a great opportunity to get in some quality skills training with a week to go to the race.
The race specific course will cover the essentials, with a focus on getting the most from race day. Drawing on the years of experience that have enabled Firecrest Skilled Trained Riders to dominate the racing on Aston Hill and across the globe this is your chance to gain those extra seconds that your looking for come race day! With video analysis and the feedback on your riding you’d expect from one of the most experienced mountain bike race coaches on the circuit, this course will find you those vital seconds come race day.
Places cost £40 per person and are booked on a first come first served basis. To book your place of for further information please contact us.