They say time fly’s when your having fun. Well 10yrs have flown past since we organised the In-Decent Exposure Night Race on Aston Hill. To celebrate the anniversary have caught up with us to find out more about the event and spoke to some of the racers that were taking part to see what they remembered of the nights events!
They’ve also dug out the DVD of the event Blackout and have uploaded that for everyone to enjoy online for the first time.
If you’ve never seen it you’ll see younger versions of Scott ‘Boom Boom’ Beaumont, Bernard Kerr and Ben Deakin all talking about their experience on the hill including some of the DeVo riders from back in the day and Chopper! One thing that doesn’t change is that there were plenty of Firecrest MTB Skills Trained riders on top of the box including yours truly in the Masters Category.
It’s great to see the event dig up so many memories for all involved we had a blast putting the event together all those years ago and it’s great to look back and remember how much fun everyone had on Aston Hill on one very dark night in October 2004!
Thanks to the team at for the memories!