Black Run 20 – Latest News

We’ve been busy updating content in the run into this weekends Black Run 20 Race on Aston Hill.

Where 20 years have gone we have no idea but they’ve passed in a flash a bit like the riders on the Black Run over the years.

There’s still time to share your memories via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Just #BlackRun20 and we’ll share the best.

If your looking for general information and to enter online up to Wednesday 6th September then here’s all you need>>>

Here’s all the information you need coming into the race weekend click on the following links:-

Thanks again to our event Sponsors and Partners find out who they are here>>>

If your coming along to Spectate here’s all the information you need for Sunday 10th September>>>

Find out about the History of the Black Run. Looking back to how it all started>>>

How did the ‘Black Run’ become the Black Run it’s all in a name>>>

Thanks to Roots and Rain you can check out 20 yrs of race results>>>

We look forward to seeing you for Black Run 20 on Sunday 10th September.



Firecrest Mountain Biking to organise the Races on Aston Hill in 2017

It’s hard to believe that it has been 10 years since I last organised the Downhill Races on Aston Hill, signing off on 10 years of Race Organisation (DH,4X and XC) on Aston Hill back in 2007. The Aston Hill Bike Park Committee have done a fantastic job in running events on Aston Hill over the past few years. However, it’s tough putting together events of the calibre they have been for a group of Volunteers in their spare time so in agreement with the Committee and the Forestry Commission I’m pleased to announce I’m back and I’ll be running Mountain Bike Races on Aston Hill in 2017.

Aston Hill Black Run 10.08.17 #Blackrun20I can’t wait to get started. 2017 is a pretty significant year for Mountain Bike Racing on Aston Hill as it marks the 20th Anniversary of Racing on the Black Run.

With that in mind I’d been speaking to Gary the Chair and the Committee about organising ‘Black Run 20’ for the past couple of years and when the opportunity arose to organise all of the races on Aston Hill in 2017 came up it was too good an offer to turn down.

I have three events planned for 2017 – two Downhill Races and a Pedalhounds Mulit-Stage Enduro Race.

Dates for your diaries: –

Firecrest MTB – Aston Hill Downhills

DH Race 1 – Ricochet – Sunday 12th March 2017
DH Race 2 – Black Run 20 – Sunday 10th September 2017 #BlackRun20

Pedalhounds Multi-Stage Enduro

Round 3 – Multi Stage Enduro – Sunday 25th June

Find out more and Enter Here>>>

For those of you that were there at the first Black Run Race you’ll know what a milestone 20 years is. The bikes, the riders, the trails, they’ve all changed and of course the Black Run has got gnarlier as have we all, but it’s essentially the same Race Track that riders took on 20 years ago.

A few ‘tweaks’ will be added, taking you back to the original Black Run and celebrating 20 years of action on Aston Hill’s infamous ‘Black Run’. Catching up with the riders that have tamed the Black Run and a few that didn’t. It’s going to be a real celebration of all things Aston Hill and the Black Run. Don’t miss it!

Bucks MTB Skills Session

Bucks MTB’s Mike Dalton on the first of the BMTB Skills Session with Firecrest on Aston Hill – 30.06.2012

The first Bucks MTB Club skills session with Firecrest MTB was held on a sunny Saturday at the end of June at Aston Hill. I’d been looking forwards to it for ages and couldn’t wait to get started!

Bucks MTB Skills Course

Ian introduces the Skills System to the group

We met in the carpark at Aston Hill and had a bit of a chat about the day ahead with our coach Ian Warby and got our bikes together. With the sun shining and the trails dry most opted to just head out with a bottle of water & leave the kit in the car.

It’s hard to go into detail about what we did in the session without giving too much away but I’ll give it a go…

Our initial work was on pre-ride preparation – state of mind and kit. It’s a subject that we could have talked about for hours but, keen on getting us riding, Ian gave us a good overview and something for us to think about during the rest of the day.

Our first on the bike coaching started with a lesson in pumping the trail – both rollers and corners. It’s free speed basically; something some had never tried consciously before and others had tried to master. We used a couple of different circuits around the bombholes, adding corners and drops to add another level of complexity and demonstrate the amount of speed that we can generate without so much as a pedal stroke! Great fun and having Ian give pointers throughout really helped us get our technique dialled.

Next we moved onto jumps – something found on a lot of man-made trails these days so really important to cover. Being talked through the motions and having improvements suggested after every run, along with video analysis, made this a great session with visible improvements for everybody!

Rollers came next – part pump & part manual we learnt the reasons why as well as the technique behind perfecting them. The top of DH3 and the two bombholes on the Red run were great venues for this and we rode each section 4 or 5 times to practice and pick up hints and more importantly – more free speed!

Lucy riding on Bucks MTB's Skills Course on Aston Hill

Lucy tackles Triple Trees on the Bucks MTB Mountain Bike Skills Course

Next onto Aston Hill’s infamous roots and slick chalk on the Red Run… Body positioning and bike control were practiced here whilst we made our way down the hill. Ian was on hand to provide advice from the trail side to help us on our way and to get the most from the trail.

Some of our group wanted to work on steep step downs into corners so we made our way onto the Black Run as a bit of a post-course Brucey Bonus!!! Some tips on line choice and eye-line helped immensely and everybody ended up riding down one of the most technical sections on the hill with only 1, rather elegant crash. Lucy picked herself up and perfected that section next run down! Well done! Personally I have to vote for Lester as rider of the day who tackled the Black Run with less than a second’s hesitation on a mega steep step down, between 2 trees, into a steep berm!

Crash of the day goes to Henryk who imploded in the bottom of a berm giving everybody a good scare but walked away from it just a bit winded!

Everybody really was keen to discuss another skills course so I’m sure more will be advertised soon to suit all levels of ability! Keep ‘em peeled folks!

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