Firecrest MTB Skills Courses – Testimonials

Hi Ian, thank you for the lesson yesterday, it was revolutionary for me and has left me with a 100% positive outlook on what we worked on, can’t wait for to practise and book another course. Andy (1-2-1 Introductory Course)

Still can’t believe how Ian transformed my riding in just a few hours! Stuff that I have struggled with for years finally felt easy with Ian’s simple and effective tips. Also he is such a nice guy and made me feel at ease straight away. Can’t wait for my next session and to see how far we can take my riding by the start of next race season. Thanks a lot Ian! Vaska (1-2-1 Race Skills/Jumps and Drop Course)

Just been away riding in Les Gets in France (Pass’Portes du Soleil and some free riding too) and had a fab time. The training and tips from you over the winter and spring have made a massive difference, so I just wanted to say a huge thanks. I rode there last year and I felt so much more confident and able to push harder on the corners and jumps this year than before.   Still lots to learn, but felt a massive difference. Steve (Adult Rider Development Programme – DeVo)

We have made it to Coed Y Brenin, and putting the skills you taught us earlier this year into practice, showing clear improvements in speed and confidence on the blue trials and Will completing the red route in the skills area. Thanks for the training, made the routes even more fun! James and Will (MTB Skills Course).

Just a quick note to thank you for a great afternoon. Thoroughly enjoyed it and learnt a lot (Which I would never have picked up on ‘YouTube’!). Andrew (Jumps and Drops Course).

We went to Forest of Dean yesterday for an uplift day and we were descending the rough roots sections at speeds that felt twice as fast as before because we were “keeping the gate closed”. I was amazed at the speed I could hit them whilst the bike was doing all the work and because I was stood tall and wasn’t trailing the brakes I could anticipate lines much better, save a ton of energy and it felt much safer despite the increase in speed, no exaggeration I never expected to ride terrain like that so fast and with a sense that I was in control. Paul (DH Skills Course).

We’ve been to 417 bike park over the weekend and tried applying some of the new stuff I’ve learned with you on the last session. Remember that friend I told you I can never catch up with?? Well, I know it’s not a competition but… he was left behind 😛 haha ? Man, you’ve changed my riding so much!! Thank you! Mariano (MTB Skills 1-2-1 Custom Course).

Just wanted to say thanks for the great lesson it gave me bags more confidence in myself I never thought I’d be doing small jumps and drops in my first lesson and be happy in knowing the best way to tackle them. Thanks for the videos and info you sent, I’d love another private lesson and join one of your group sessions in the near future. Mark (Beginner MTB Skills Course).

Thanks for an excellent training session! I was very impressed with the way you got me to “get it” in terms of riding in a different way – it’s a tough job to undo the habits of many years! Chris (MTB Skills Course)

Thanks again for the training on Saturday – a really useful course and Mark and I both learned a lot and will certainly be recommending you. Quentin (MTB Skills Course)

Thank you for today. An excellent course and we both feel we progressed. Was unsure of the approach at first but a great way of getting things to sink in and then applying it in action. Feel much more confident on jumps and drops rather than relying on instinct and memories of a miss spent youth at the BMX park. Steve (E-MTB – Mountain Bike Skills Course).

Just wanted to email to say thanks for the training session. Really glad we came down. I feel much more confident on trails now that I’m not just hitting stuff and hoping I’m doing it right. We went down the full Surface To Air after we finished the session and we only didn’t do the final sender. Took me a good 15mins to build up to do the steep drop that’s on the corner just before the ladder, but I ended up doing it twice. You get some great speed for the step up on the other side. We then hit Stile Cop the next day and I could really put everything into practice. Did the Red Course about 6 times and my times massively improved by the end. Felt a lot faster than I’ve ever ridden. Tom (Downhill MTB Skills).

Many thanks for the session today – we both learned stacks, had a laugh and enjoyed the stunning morning light. Your teaching style is outstanding and you ability to remodel your programme on the fly is refreshing and rare. I am a high level instructor within the British Sub-Aqua Club, and instructor trainer and an examiner So I get to see a lot of instruction. Today was lots of fun, Nick (Small Group MTB Skills Course).

Cheers Ian for the Devo today. Felt like that was the key to unlocking the next level of riding potential. Quality of tuition was second to none. Learned so much. – Ed (Adult Rider Development Programme – DeVo).

Thanks for the excellent tuition yesterday, we all found it very valuable & I for one definitely have some things that I can work on! Although it’s a bit of a trek for us, we will certainly be back at Aston Hill later in the year. Many thanks, Mark. (Group course featuring Jumps and Drops).

Ian – the guys had a really great time on Sunday and are keen to progress – certainly worth all that effort trying to find a date to fit it in! I’ll give you a call when they’re ready for another session or possibly a DeVo programme. Thanks, Jane (Small Group – Downhill, Jumps and Drops Course).

Thanks very much for a great coaching session today. I learnt a lot, improved my confidence a lot (especially with bombholes) and took away some really good skills sessions to practice in the drive. Your enthusiasm, encouragement and honesty are shone through. I’ve already recommended your course to a colleague at work. It’s a good course you’ve built up. All the best. Mark (1-1 XC Course).

Thank you for Sunday’s tutorial it was very informative and professional. I had to give back the Yeti on Monday but hope to have my bike soon so i’ll let you know how i get on.  Thanks again from James and me and hope to see you in the future some time. Rob (Small Group – Jumps and Drops Course).

Ian, Just wanted to drop you a line to say thanks again for a great day. Lots to think about and it was a real confidence booster. Only thing is that the more I think about it, the more there is to learn! Oh well will have to come back for the next installment in the spring. All the best Will (Small Group – Jumps and Drops Course)

Ian, Cheers for yesterday was a real insight for us both, suffice to say we bored the pants of everyone in the pub last night!! I am sure we will be in touch over the coming weeks once we get back from Wales. All the best. Darren (Small Group – XC)

Hi Ian, Thanks for the course last night, very impressed with the content and the presentation. Can’t wait to get out on the hill and practice now! Si, (1-1 Downhill Course).

Ian, Quick note to Thank You for the course yesterday, it was really informative and I felt it’s helped my riding no end. Neil (1-1 Downhill Course).

Ian, Firstly Stuart, Stefan, Zoe & I would all like to thank you very much for the training given a couple of Sunday’s ago. We all found it to be very useful and also enjoyable. We will definitely be back for more in the future. Tracy (Small Group – XC Course).

Hi Ian, First of all i’d like to thank you for giving us all a great day! we learnt loads, and after you left we all continued to practice what you taught us and had a great time! Cheers, Daniel (Small Group – Downhill).

Hi Ian, Thanks for a thorough and enjoyable training session on Sunday, Sean and I both learnt a great deal and are looking forward to returning to the hill very soon to put it all together! Cheers, Corin (Small Group – Downhill, Jumps and Drops).