Firecrest MTB Young Rider Development Programme – DeVo – February Half Term Courses

Bookings for our February Half Term Mountain Bike Skills Courses for young mountain bikers from 8-16yrs of age are now live.

We have our Level1 Course on Tuesday 18th February for Beginner to Intermediate riders from the age of 8-12yrs from 10am – 12pm. This is followed by our DeVo Evo Course for Intermediate to Advance riders from 8-12yrs in the afternoon from 1pm – 3pm

On Thursday 20th February we have our DeVo Level2 Course this is for riders from 11-16yrs of ages and caters for rider abilities from beginner to advanced. This session runs all day from 10am – 4pm.

All of our Level2 Courses are part of British Cycling – Cycling Development Pathway Centres – Gravity Programme and can be booked through the British Cycling Website. Find out more about the opportunities through the British Cycling Development Pathway  and what it means for the DeVo Programme here>>>

Here’s our DeVo Young Rider MTB Skills Half Term Programme with links to the booking pages: –

DeVo Level2 – Saturday 15th February
9.30am – 12.30pm – 12-16yrs of age
Rushmere Country Park
Book your place here>>>

DeVo Level1 – Tuesday 18th February
10am – 12pm – 8-12yrs of age – Beginner/Intermediate
Rushmere Country Park
Book your place here>>>

DeVo Evo – Tuesday 18th February
1pm – 3pm – 8-12yrs of age – Intermediate/Advanced
Rushmere Country Park
Book your place here>>>

DeVo Level2 – Thursday 20th February
10am – 4pm – 12-16yrs of age
Rushmere Country Park
Book your place here>>>

Adult DeVo – Sunday 22nd September – 9.30am – 1pm

The Firecrest Mountain Bikxing Adult Rider Development Programme (RDP) based at Rushmere Country Park is your chance to join a Group Skills Course for riders aged 18 years old and over, focussed on Skills Development through a range of terrain.

Adult DeVo – 18yrs+
Rushmere Country Park
Sunday 22nd September – 9.30am – 1pm
Book Your Place Here>>>

Firecrest Mountain Biking’s Skills Training is underpinned by ‘The System’ our proven Skills Training methods which supports our ‘holistic approach’ to MTB Skills Development. ‘The System’ enables us to work with you and  give you an insight into ‘why to do’ things over ‘how to do’ them. This in turn gives you a unique perspective on developing your Skills and how to improve your performance when you’re riding trails.

This Group Course will enable you to access Firecrest MTB Skills Training at a significantly reduced rate. It is a chance to join a focussed Training Group aimed at enabling you to achieve your skills goals.

The Course is ideal for Downhill and Enduro Riders new to the Firecrest MTB Skills Courses and riders that have previously had MTB Skills Training from Firecrest Mountain Biking. The Course will cover an introduction to the ‘The System’ and then a range of ‘Technical Trail Features’, Including but not limited to; Jumps, Drops Corners and Technical Downhill Sections showing how you can use ‘The System’ to optimise your Skills, Mindset, and Performance.

‘The System’ will enable you to understand how to optimise your riding and easily identify areas that you need to focus on as you develop your skills. Tapping into our experience will give you the knowledge and confidence needed to ‘fast track’ the improvements to make those gains that will have you riding faster with more confidence.

Adult DeVo – 18yrs+
Rushmere Country Park
Sunday 22nd September – 9.30am – 1pm
Book Your Place Here>>>

Adult DeVo – Sunday 28th July – 9.30am – 1pm

The Firecrest Mountain Bikxing Adult Rider Development Programme (RDP) based at Rushmere Country Park is your chance to join a Group Skills Course for riders aged 18 years old and over, focussed on Skills Development through a range of terrain.

Adult DeVo – 18yrs+
Rushmere Country Park
Sunday 22nd September – 9.30am – 1pm
Book Your Place Here>>>

Firecrest Mountain Biking’s Skills Training is underpinned by ‘The System’ our proven Skills Training methods which supports our ‘holistic approach’ to MTB Skills Development. ‘The System’ enables us to work with you and  give you an insight into ‘why to do’ things over ‘how to do’ them. This in turn gives you a unique perspective on developing your Skills and how to improve your performance when you’re riding trails.

This Group Course will enable you to access Firecrest MTB Skills Training at a significantly reduced rate. It is a chance to join a focussed Training Group aimed at enabling you to achieve your skills goals.

The Course is ideal for Downhill and Enduro Riders new to the Firecrest MTB Skills Courses and riders that have previously had MTB Skills Training from Firecrest Mountain Biking. The Course will cover an introduction to the ‘The System’ and then a range of ‘Technical Trail Features’, Including but not limited to; Jumps, Drops Corners and Technical Downhill Sections showing how you can use ‘The System’ to optimise your Skills, Mindset, and Performance.

‘The System’ will enable you to understand how to optimise your riding and easily identify areas that you need to focus on as you develop your skills. Tapping into our experience will give you the knowledge and confidence needed to ‘fast track’ the improvements to make those gains that will have you riding faster with more confidence.

Adult DeVo – 18yrs+
Rushmere Country Park
Sunday 22nd September – 9.30am – 1pm
Book Your Place Here>>> 

DeVo Level2 Saturday Morning Courses – January – February – 2024

Firecrest Mountain Biking have a full programme of DeVo Level2 Saturday morning courses starting again from Saturday 2nd September and running through to Half Term in October. The Courses are for boys and girls from 12-16yrs looking to develop their mountain bike skills and ride with likeminded young riders. They run at Rushmere Country Park on alternate Saturday morning from 9.30am – 12.30pm.

Latest Dates: –

DeVo Level2 – Saturday 6th January
9.30am – 12.30pm – 12-16yrs of age
Rushmere Country Park
Book your place here>>>

DeVo Level2 – Saturday 20th January
9.30am – 12.30pm – 12-16yrs of age
Rushmere Country Park
Book your place here>>>

DeVo Level2 – Saturday 3rd February
9.30am – 12.30pm – 12-16yrs of age
Rushmere Country Park
Book your place here>>>

DeVo Level2 – Half Term DeVo – Bucks Schools – Thursday 15th February
10am – 4pm – 12-16yrs of age
Rushmere Country Park
Book your place here>>>

DeVo Level2 – Saturday 17th February
9.30am – 12.30pm – 12-16yrs of age
Rushmere Country Park
Book your place here>>>

DeVo Level2 – Half Term DeVo – Beds Schools – Thursday 22nd February
10am – 4pm – 12-16yrs of age
Rushmere Country Park
Book your place here>>>


DeVo is run by Firecrest Mountain Biking at Rushmere Country Park. Click here for directions

Adult DeVo – Sunday 17th September – 9.30am – 1pm

The Firecrest Mountain Bikxing Adult Rider Development Programme (RDP) based at Rushmere Country Park is your chance to join a Group Skills Course for riders aged 18 years old and over, focussed on Skills Development through a range of terrain.

Adult DeVo – 18yrs+
Rushmere Country Park
Sunday 17th September – 9.30am – 1pm
Book Your Place Here>>>

Firecrest Mountain Biking’s Skills Training is underpinned by ‘The System’ our proven Skills Training methods which supports our ‘holistic approach’ to MTB Skills Development. ‘The System’ enables us to work with you and  give you an insight into ‘why to do’ things over ‘how to do’ them. This in turn gives you a unique perspective on developing your Skills and how to improve your performance when you’re riding trails.

This Group Course will enable you to access Firecrest MTB Skills Training at a significantly reduced rate. It is a chance to join a focussed Training Group aimed at enabling you to achieve your skills goals.

Check out Neil Hawkins Photo’s from June’s Adult DeVo Here>>>

The Course is ideal for Downhill and Enduro Riders new to the Firecrest MTB Skills Courses and riders that have previously had MTB Skills Training from Firecrest Mountain Biking. The Course will cover an introduction to the ‘The System’ and then a range of ‘Technical Trail Features’, Including but not limited to; Jumps, Drops Corners and Technical Downhill Sections showing how you can use ‘The System’ to optimise your Skills, Mindset, and Performance.

‘The System’ will enable you to understand how to optimise your riding and easily identify areas that you need to focus on as you develop your skills. Tapping into our experience will give you the knowledge and confidence needed to ‘fast track’ the improvements to make those gains that will have you riding faster with more confidence.

Adult DeVo – 18yrs+
Rushmere Country Park
Sunday 17th September – 9.30am – 1pm
Book Your Place Here>>>


Imagine Cruising – One Life Wish – Melisa Learns to Mountain Bike

“Hi my names Melisa, I’ve been given your number by my husband Alex who used to ride on your Young Rider Development Programme – DeVo back in the 00’s. He said you’d be the right person to help me learn to mountain bike. I’ve just won a competition through my work and they’ll pay for me to be trained so that I can surprise my husband and ride an MTB Enduro race with him”. Of course that’s not your usual telephone enquiry but one that lead to a summer of skills training for Mel culminating in her first Mountain Bike Race at the Pedalhounds E-MTB Enduro early in October.

Mel works for Imagine Causing and the competition she’d won was their One Life Challenge. Where they fund their staff to pursue their own One Life Challenges. Mel’s husband Alex had brought her the bike and all the kit so she could join him and their 20 month old son out on the trails. Mel thought it would be a great way to facilitate the dream of adrenaline, fun and love-filled family memories for years to come and to prove to herself that any challenge is attainable.

Chatting through Mel’s goals I put together a programme of training courses to build here skills and confidence on her E-bike and to get her ready for her first E-MTB Enduro Race that she’d entered in October. Then we worked together on developing her skills, fitness and race craft to get her ready for the race and it was great to see Mel’s progression throughout the sessions and it was great to see her achieve her dream of lining up for her first race.

You can find out more and follow Mel’s journey on the Imagine Cruising website with video’s of her training journey culminating in a full video of her surprising her husband Alex at the race and how she got on between the tapes for the first time.

Find out all about Mel’s One Life Challenge and watch Mel’s video’s here>>

If you have a personal challenge or are looking to develop your mountain bike skills then we have a course for you. Find out more about our range of courses here>>>

Adult DeVo – Sunday 23rd April – 9.30am – 1pm

The Firecrest Mountain Bikxing Adult Rider Development Programme (RDP) based at Rushmere Country Park is your chance to join a Group Skills Course for riders aged 18 years old and over, focussed on Skills Development through a range of terrain.

Adult DeVo – 18yrs+
Rushmere Country Park
Sunday 23rd April – 9.30am – 1pm
Book Your Place Here>>>

Firecrest Mountain Biking’s Skills Training is underpinned by ‘The System’ our proven Skills Training methods which supports our ‘holistic approach’ to MTB Skills Development. ‘The System’ enables us to work with you and  give you an insight into ‘why to do’ things over ‘how to do’ them. This in turn gives you a unique perspective on developing your Skills and how to improve your performance when you’re riding trails.

This Group Course will enable you to access Firecrest MTB Skills Training at a significantly reduced rate. It is a chance to join a focussed Training Group aimed at enabling you to achieve your skills goals.

Check out Neil Hawkins Photo’s from June’s Adult DeVo Here>>>

The Course is ideal for Downhill and Enduro Riders new to the Firecrest MTB Skills Courses and riders that have previously had MTB Skills Training from Firecrest Mountain Biking. The Course will cover an introduction to the ‘The System’ and then a range of ‘Technical Trail Features’, Including but not limited to; Jumps, Drops Corners and Technical Downhill Sections showing how you can use ‘The System’ to optimise your Skills, Mindset, and Performance.

‘The System’ will enable you to understand how to optimise your riding and easily identify areas that you need to focus on as you develop your skills. Tapping into our experience will give you the knowledge and confidence needed to ‘fast track’ the improvements to make those gains that will have you riding faster with more confidence.

Adult DeVo – 18yrs+
Rushmere Country Park
Sunday 23rd April – 9.30am – 1pm
Book Your Place Here>>>


Easter Holiday DeVo Courses

Firecrest Mountain Biking have a packed programme of courses this Easter Holidays. With DeVo Level1 10am – 12pm and DeVo Evo 1pm – 3pm  for rider from 8-12yrs of age on Tuesday 4th April and Tuesday 11th April and DeVo Level2 from 10am – 4pm for riders from 12-16yrs of age on Thursday 6th April and Thursday 13th April.

Latest Dates –

DeVo Level2 – Saturday 1st April
9.30am – 12.30pm – 12-16yrs of age
Rushmere Country Park
Book your place here>>>

DeVo Level1 – Tuesday 4th April
10am – 12pm – 8-12rs of age
Rushmere Country Park
Book your place here>>>

DeVo Evo – Tuesday 4th April
1pm – 3pm – 8-12rs of age
Rushmere Country Park
Book your place here>>>

DeVo Level2 – Thursday 6th April
10am – 4pm – 12-16yrs of age
Rushmere Country Park
Book your place here>>>

DeVo Level1 – Tuesday 11th April
10am – 12pm – 8-12rs of age
Rushmere Country Park
Book your place here>>>

DeVo Evo – Tuesday 11th April
1pm – 3pm – 8-12rs of age
Rushmere Country Park
Book your place here>>>

DeVo Level2 – Thursday 13th April
10am – 4pm – 12-16yrs of age
Rushmere Country Park
Book your place here>>>


DeVo is run by Firecrest Mountain Biking at Rushmere Country Park. Click here for directions

FMTB Young Rider Development Programme – DeVo – Summer Holiday Courses 2021

We have a packed programme of Mountain Bike Skills Courses for kids over Summer Holidays. With DeVo Level1 and DeVo Evo on Tuesdays and DeVo Level2 all day on Thursdays. We also have a Girls DeVo on Saturday 31st July from 9.30am – 12.30pm.

The Level1 Courses can be booked through Eventbrite and the Level2 Courses are part of British Cycling Cycling Development Pathway Centres – Gravity Programme and can be booked through the British Cycling Website. Find out more about the opportunities through the British Cycling Development Pathway  and what it means for the DeVo Programme here>>>

Here’s our packed programme with links to the booking pages:-

DeVo Level1 – Tuesday 10th August
10am – 12pm – 8-12yrs of age
Rushmere Country Park
Book Your Place Here>>>

DeVo Evo – Tuesday 10th August
1pm – 3pm – 8-12yrs of age
Rushmere Country Park
Book Your Place Here>>>

DeVo Level2 – Thursday 12th August
10am – 4pm – 12-16yrs of age
Rushmere Country Park
Book Your Place Here>>>

DeVo Level1 – Tuesday 17th August
10am – 12pm – 8-12yrs of age
Rushmere Country Park
Book Your Place Here>>>

DeVo Evo – Tuesday 17th August
1pm – 3pm – 8-12yrs of age
Rushmere Country Park
Book Your Place Here>>>

DeVo Level2 – Thursday 19th August
10am – 4pm – 12-16yrs of age
Rushmere Country Park
Book Your Place Here>>>

DeVo Level1 – Tuesday 24th August
10am – 12pm – 8-12yrs of age
Rushmere Country Park
Book Your Place Here>>>

DeVo Evo – Tuesday 24th August
1pm – 3pm – 8-12yrs of age
Rushmere Country Park
Book Your Place Here>>>

DeVo Level2 – Thursday 26th August
10am – 4pm – 12-16yrs of age
Rushmere Country Park
Book Your Place Here>>>

DeVo Level2 – Saturday 24th July
9.30am – 12.30pm 12-16yrs of age
Rushmere Country Park

DeVo Level1 – Tuesday 27th July
10am – 12pm – 8-12yrs of age
Rushmere Country Park

DeVo Evo – Tuesday 27th July
1pm – 3pm – 8-12yrs of age
Rushmere Country Park

DeVo Level2 – Thursday 29th July
10am – 4pm – 12-16yrs of age
Rushmere Country Park

Girls DeVo – Saturday 31st July
9.30am – 12.30pm – 10-16yrs of age
Rushmere Country Park

Firecrest MTB’s DeVo leads the way on British Cycling’s Network of Gravity Talent Development Centres

British Cycling can today announce the first of its network of Gravity Talent Development Centres, which have been designed to provide an accessible and inclusive pathway for talented riders, supporting them to progress from clubs through to trade teams and representing Great Britain.

The first hub is now operational in Rushmere Country Park (Bedfordshire, British Cycling Central Region), offering regular coached sessions for riders aged 12-16 to hone their mountain bike gravity skills, with an ambition to increase the number of locations across the country to seven over the coming months.

The most talented riders from the hub sessions will be given the opportunity to attend regional and national development sessions, with the long-term goal of supporting them towards competing for Great Britain and securing opportunities to ride for professional trade teams.

The hubs form part of British Cycling’s long-term plan for the gravity disciplines, which was published earlier this month as part of the organisation’s new Everyone Wins campaign, and covers all aspects of the discipline including facility provision, volunteers, diversity and performance at the highest level for Great Britain.

At the 2020 UCI Mountain Bike World Championships in Leogang a total of six British riders finished within the top 11 places in the junior men’s category, demonstrating the talent of today’s young riders who are seeking to follow in the footsteps of Rachel Atherton, Danny Hart and others who have topped podiums across the world in recent years.

Michael Vickers, British Cycling Talent Development Coach and MTB Downhill and 4X Coordinator, said:

“We’ve seen some incredible results in the downhill disciplines over recent years, and through the new Gravity Development Centres we want to provide the champions of tomorrow with an accessible and competitive environment as they forge their own paths to the top.

“We’re thankful to our partners and colleagues in the Central Region for their support in getting the first hub up and running, and we’ve been really encouraged by the appetite for riders to get involved and the level of technical skills on display. As we increase the number of the centres through the remainder of the year we hope that they will help us to further boost the standard of our national series and championships and provide riders with a really competitive environment to develop.”

Ian Warby of Firecrest Mountain Biking, said;

“It’s a fantastic opportunity for Firecrest MTB’s Young Rider Development Programme (known as DeVo) to be the first Talent Development Centre for gravity. The DeVo programme has always been a passion of mine and to be able to line it up with British Cycling’s programmes has been a long term goal.

“The programme has already seen a number of riders go on to do big things with Phil Atwill being one of the programme’s most successful alumni and this is a fantastic opportunity for more to do the same. The focus of DeVo has always been on working with riders of all ages and abilities to get the most from mountain biking and I look forward to developing the next generation of riders and working closely with British Cycling going forward.”

Find out more here>>>